Senior Scientist Head of Cognitive Security Technologies Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security Address Fraunhofer AISEC Institute Parkring 4 85748 Garching bei München, Deutschland Tel.: +49 89 32299 86 149 Fax.: +49 89 32299 86 299 Emails Office hours By appointment


I am mainly interested at adversarial and robust learning, and also machine learning applications on security problems. Theoretically I maintain enormous interest on nonparametric large-scale learning, semi-supervised outlier detection, and also copula probabilistic model, Causal inference. Besides, I am fond of NLP and Vision where artificial intelligence seems promising already and will be getting jaw dropping real. I am open for projects and research collaboration, if we’ve common interests.
2016             Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, CA, USA             Dept. of computer science (Gates), HCI group.             Advisor: Prof. Michael Bernstein, Nicolas Kokkalis, Chengdiao Fan             Ph.D Informatik (Computer Science), Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany             Chair of IT Security             Dissertation: Adversarial and Secure Machine Learning.             Advisor: Prof.Dr. Claudia Eckert, director of Fraunhofer Institute AISEC             2nd Examiner: Prof. Fabio Roli, director of PRA Lab, University of Cagliari 2011             M.Sc. Informatik (Computer Science), Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany             Master Thesis: Structure Learning of Copula Bayesian Networks.             Thesis supervisor: Prof.Dr. Stefan Kramer, Dr. Jana Schmidt 2007             B.Sc. Computer Science, Tongji University, Shanghai, China             incl. one-year German Intensive Course (2004/05)
2016 - present             Head of research group Cognitive Security Technologies             Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security, Munich, Germany 2015.10 - 2016.01             Research Intern, Alibaba Group Inc. Hangzhou, China             Data Scientist - Antispam team for Search Quality 2014 - present             Machine Learning Advisor,, Munich, Germany 2012.03 - 2012.09             Research Intern, Fraunhofer AISEC Institute, Munich, Germany             Working as cloud security analyst, e.g., Nebula, OpenStack.. 2010.03 - 2010.09             Assistant Researcher, Chair Of Network Architecture, Technische Universität München, Germany             Internet Exploration and Cartography by developing traceroute tool 2009.10 - 2011.03             Assistant Researcher, Chair Of IT Security, Technische Universität München, Germany             Malware detection using machine learning, Grammatical Inference Toolbox code 2007.06 - 2008.07             Software Engineer, Pioneer Suntec Electronic Technology, Shanghai, China             UI Development on oversear project of Navigation System
2017             Google Sommer Code: Honeypot Project Mentor             Paper review, Journal of Supercomputing 2017 2016             TC member paper review, S+SSPR 2016 2015             Poster/Oral at main conference ICML’15, Lille, France             Invited speaker at ACM/IEEE student club Munich, Munich, Germany             Paper review Neurocomputing Journal 2013             Demo presentation at ECIR’13, Moscow, Russia             Paper co-review, AAAI, ACML 2012             Keynote at Machine Learning Cake Talk Workshop, Munich, Germany
2016             Selected Advanced Topics on Cyber Security, Technische Universität München, Germany             Applied Machine Learning on Cyber Security: An Overview             Adversarial Learning: AI as a New Security Threat 2015             Seminar: Adversarial Machine Learning             Technische Universität München, Germany 2014             Practical Course: Anomaly Detection Challenges             Technische Universität München, Germany 2013             Seminar : Machine Learning in Adversarial Environment             Technische Universität München, Germany 2012             Seminar : Machine Learning in Adversarial Environment             Technische Universität München, Germany
2016              Jan Lauinger. Large Scale Anomaly Detection using Spark.              Bachelor Thesis, Technische Universität München, Aug. 2016. 2015              Dieu Linh Tran. Incremental One-Class Support Vector Machines with Minor Supervised Labels.              Master Thesis, Technische Universität München, Oct. 2015.              Aleieldin Salam. Semantic-based Malware Detection with Hidden Markov Model.              Guided Research, July 2015. 2014              Heeren Sharma. Concept Learner for CorMel Transaction Trees in Amadeus Data Processing Systems.              Master Thesis, Technische Universität München, Mar. 2014. 2013              Sami Ghawi. Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection in Mobile Devices.              Master Thesis, Technische Universität München, Oct. 2013.
2017              Felix F., Konstantin B., Huang X., Christian S., Yasemin A., Michael B., Sascha F.              Stack Overflow Considered Harmful? The Impact of Copy&Paste on Android Application Security.              In 38th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May. 2017. 2015              Xiao, Huang. Adversarial and Secure Machine Learning.              Dissertation. Technische Universität München, Oct. 2015.              Xiao, Huang, Battista Biggio, Gavin Brown, Giorgio Fumera, Claudia Eckert, and Fabio Roli.              Is Feature Selection Secure against Training Data Poisoning?.              In Proceedings of The 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML’15), Lille, France, July 2015. 2014              Xiao, Huang, Battista Biggio, Blaine Nelson, Han Xiao, Claudia Eckert, and Fabio Roli.              Support Vector Machines under Adversarial Label Contamination.              Journal of Neurocomputing, Special Issue on Advances in Learning with Label Noise, August 2014. In press. 2013              Xiao, Huang, and Claudia Eckert.              Indicative Support Vector Clustering with its Application on Anomaly Detection.              In IEEE 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA’13), Miami, Florida, December 2013.              Xiao, Han, Huang Xiao, and Claudia Eckert.              Learning from Multiple Observers with Unknown Expertise.              In Proceedings of 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Australia, April 2013. Springer.              Xiao, Huang, Han Xiao, and Claudia Eckert.              OPARS: Objective Photo Aesthetics Ranking System.              In 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR’13), Moscow, Russia, March 2013. 2012              Xiao, Han, Huang Xiao, and Claudia Eckert.              Adversarial Label Flips Attack on Support Vector Machines.              In 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Montepellier, France, August 2012. Regular Paper (AR: 28%). 2011              Xiao, Huang. Structure Learning in Copula Bayesian Networks.              Master thesis, Technische Universität München, November 2011. 2010              Akram, Hasan Ibne, Colin de la Higuera, Huang Xiao, and Claudia Eckert.              Grammatical Inference Algorithms in MATLAB.              In Proceedings of the 10th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, Valencia, Spain, 2010. Springer-Verlag.